THANKYOU to our patients for being so understanding, having had their routine care postponed due to the pandemic.
Since the first lockdown in March 2020, we have been working tirelessly to triage and treat any patient unfortunate enough to have had a dental emergency. This has been part of the wider NHS effort to provide urgent dental care to anyone in need.
We have recently begun our phased return to routine care.
At this stage there are still restrictions on provision of NHS dental care.
We have implemented enhanced safety procedures to reduce the risk of Covid-19 cross infection.
As part of our new safety procedures, we kindly request the following:
* Please do not come to the practice without an appointment
* Make your appointment over the phone and follow the instructions from our reception.
* Endeavour to arrive as close to your appointment time as possible.
* If you have a new continuous cough or high temperature please cancel your appointment.
* Try to use the toilet at home, rather than at the practice.
* When you come, immediately use the automated hand sanitiser provided.
* Please maintain social distancing.
Our staff follow governmental, BDA and health board guidance for cross infection - do not be alarmed if they are wearing enhanced personal protection equipment.
We are operating a one way system for patients coming to the practice, exiting through the front door. Our staff will escort you throughout.
Our patients safety is our priority and we will always endeavour to help you stay safe when you are with us. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask us.